"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds".
Welcome to my website! I am Priyanshu, an aspiring creative technologist. I am 20 year old, final year UG student of Computer Science and engineering at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, TamilNadu, India. My area of interest is Image Processing, Large-Scale Data Processing, Machine Learning, Blockchain Technology, Embedded System and Internet of Things. I also headed the CSE Department of Team Technocrats which is VIT's only Official Robotics Team. I like working on both software as well as on hardware. I am big fan of Jeffrey Adgate who is popularly known as Jeff Dean. He is software engineer who is heading the Google.ai, Google's Artifical Intelligence Department. I write <code/> and idiotic /*comments*/ about things I see.
Im really good at:
Image Processing
Large Scale Data Processing
Internet Of Things
Machine Leaning
Here are some of my latest projects.
Click on the project to get the details about it.